Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

Dearest blogettes,
Please excuse my delay in returning to the blog world. Life has somewhat been upside down for the past few weeks, and I need to focus on some certain things to make sure I made it out alive. Well, here I am: breathing and typing. That is a plus.
Lately, I have had some issues with my own mortality. It is safe to say that for some reason I have been experiencing the power of my own mind. In fact, it is disturbing how powerful that lump three feet above my ass actually is. I find it fascinating that it can be so powerful in such a good way (like my studies), but also in such a terrible way (anxiety). I have seem to hit a roadblock in which the 'bad' version of my brain is taking over. I have truly become a victim of my own mind and lately, I find simple things hard to do. Simple things such as getting out of bed in the morning are sometimes the hardest part of my day. Thankfully, I cannot say that life is horrendous; however I do feel as though sometimes my day will never end and this is the 'best it is going to get'.
Ok enough of the sad 'woe is me' talk. The message in my return blog is: don't be afraid. Fear is simply a state of mind, and as quickly as it can make you afraid of something, you can most definitely overcome the very fear that it presents to you. Also, do not believe that for one second that your life is not going to get better. Although I cannot fully say right now that things are '100%', I believe that one day I will be happy again. As long as you and I both share that thought, we can make it through. After all, " year all our troubles will be out of sight".
This blog clearly is the first dark one I have published, but the truth is that without the bad in life, there is nothing to cherish. And although I may not be on the top of my game lately, this is only a small traffic jam on this highway of life. So ladies and gents, please do me a favor and indulge in me in another song lyric from a very good song that I love: "keep your eye upon the road, keep driving. It won't be long until you see a sign that says you're arriving".

peace and love kids. may your christmas be merry and santa be good to you. I bet you behaved all year.